Archive: Category

CRS Campaigns and Chapters Resources

Brochure: CRS Campaigns and Clubs for High Schools

Material: Brochure: CRS Campaigns and Clubs for High Schools Description: Humanitarian issues like hunger and climate change impact millions of our global family members, and young people’s determination and faith are needed to make a difference. Together with thousands of people across the country, students can participate in Catholic Relief Services’ campaigns to create change

Brochure: Campañas y Comunidades de Solidaridad de CRS (Español)

Material: Brochure: Campañas y Comunidades de Solidaridad de CRS (Español) Description: Cristo nos llama a marcar la diferencia. Unidos, podemos crear un cambio transformador para los miembros de nuestra familia humana afectados por el hambre, el cambio climático y la pobreza. Únete al movimiento para construir un mundo más justo y fraterno con Catholic Relief

Brochure: NCCW

Material: Brochure: NCCW Description: Brochure includes program focus for NCCW: Water for Life, and the Madonna Plan. Also included is information on our US work in Campaigns and Chapters (Last updated Feb. 2024) MAX 50